What permission do I need for my home project?

Are you thinking of having some work done to your home? Depending on the scale of your project, and the ground your property sits on, you may have to seek permission from your local planning authority. At Home Tales, we believe all home renovation companies in London should be familiar with the different types of planning applications and how to obtain permission.

Whether you are looking to extend your ground floor, make small alterations to your property’s façade, or install a loft conversion in London, we prepare and submit the appropriate application for your home improvement project. We also track the application to make sure everything is running smoothly, whilst offering limitless amendments to the documents and plans we produce. Furthermore, we always keep our clients in the loop, so they are never blindsided by any changes. Depending on the type of application, we can also prepare planning statements, design and access statements, and flood risk assessments, among many others.

Planning can become confusing if you have never applied for it before, as you must take into account multiple factors and restrictions relating to your property. Today, we wanted to share some important types of permission you may require for your proposal, based on the property and its surroundings.

Permitted Development Rights

Typically, the process for this type of permission is straightforward and is half the cost of a Full Planning Application. Permitted development is permission granted directly by the government, not your local authority. If your project falls under these permitted development rights, you can count yourself lucky, as you can proceed without applying for planning permission.

If you are unsure about whether your proposal falls under these rights, you can seek proof i.e. a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC), Prior Approval, Larger Home Extension, offering you peace of mind. These can be requested after the build is finished, however, we always recommend applying for this before any works start to err on the side of caution. If you are found with a new extension or alteration without permission, your local planning authority may force you to tear the whole structure down, wasting both your time, money, and energy.

Householder Application

If you find that yourself in need of planning permission, a Householder Application can be used to obtain permission for proposals that seek to alter or enlarge a single dwellinghouse. This covers renovations such as: extensions, conservatories, dormers, interior and exterior alterations, outbuildings, porches, etc. A Householder Application should be used in the case that your proposal does not fall under Permitted Development Rights, but it is also not a flat, listed building, or a structure that sits in a conservation area. A Householder Application and a Full Planning Application share the same price point, with the main difference being the level of detail provided.

Full Planning Application

Similar to a Householder Application, this type of permission may be required if your proposal does not fall under Permitted Development Rights. This is more detailed in comparison to a Householder Application, with an emphasis on impact on the environment, among many other things. Generally, we apply for Full Planning Permission in the scenario that our client’s property is: a flat, within a conservation area, in a neighbourhood with many refusals, requesting the change of use (commercial to residential), etc.

This type of application means more scrutiny on your property from the local authority, who will consider every little detail. Even making small superficial changes to a property in a conservation area requires Full Planning Permission. We have found it common for a local authority to request additional drawings and documents to support the application further, further prolonging the process. This may include a design and access statement, flood risk assessment, or a parking provisions statement.

Non-Material Amendments

After you have received planning permission, you may find that amendments must be made to the originally approved proposal drawings. In this instance, you can apply for Non-Material Amendments, which is defined by your local authority. There is no clear definition of ‘non-material’, but you can seek free pre-application advice from your council, or they may outline their specific restrictions on their website. If your Non-Material Amendments Application is accepted, no new planning permission will be created, therefore the Non-Material Amendment permission must always be accompanied with your original planning permission.

In conclusion, there are various types of planning permission out there, and it can be difficult to decide which is the best one for you. We hope we have helped shed some light on this process. If you would like to discuss any prospective home improvement projects with us, our friendly team would love to hear from you at 02070432378. Alternatively, you can email us at hello@hometales.co.uk, or book a free telephone consultation with us right here.

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