Bring natural light into your home

Home renovation companies in London have a duty to provide their clients with the best possible solutions for their home…

London’s Brutalist Architecture

Brutalist architecture was popular, especially in Britain, from the 1950s until the 1980s. In French, its name refers to “raw or unfinished concrete”, with a huge emphasis on strong geometry, a monochromatic palette and boldness. French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier has been widely accredited to have sparked the conception of the Brutalist movement which greatly defined post-modern architecture. He was commissioned to design social housing in Marseilles.

Will London provide more affordable housing in the future?

We believe home renovation companies should be in the know when it comes to the housing climate, as it directly…

The Middle Room Conundrum in a Victorian Terrace

Victorian terraces can be seen in most London boroughs, with their ornate detailing and vibrant exteriors making them stand out. Many of our clients come to us wanting to modernise their beautiful new terrace house, whether by opening the ground floor plan or extending the structure. In this post, we explore the conundrum of the middle room in a Victorian terrace house. This is the normal ground floor layout for this type of property, but nowadays we have seen the issues it can cause and have worked to remove them.

Successful Eco Homes in London

We think it’s important to draw inspiration from projects like BedZED and the Olympic Village, which have shown us ways to design sustainably to help preserve our natural world.

The History of London Terrace Houses

In our line of work, we naturally have a keen interest in exploring the history of properties in London. Certain features within a property can tell you the era in which it was built when considering to the socio-economic issues at the time. In today’s post, we wanted to talk about the history of London terrace houses, exploring how it came to the UK and the reason for its appearance.

The right glass roof for your kitchen extension in London

At Home Tales, we offer home improvement services covering renovations and house extensions in London. We understand such projects are…

How glazing adds life to a home interior

At Home Tales, we offer excellent design packages for renovations and home extensions in London. Our architectural designers are dedicated…

London’s Architect: Christopher Wren (1632-1723)

Home renovation companies offer a wide variety of services, as oftentimes ground floor extensions are paired with other home improvement…

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