Style Traits of Edwardian Houses in London

Home renovation companies in London should understand (and appreciate) the background of its architecture. London has a wonderfully diverse array of architecture. Period properties is what London is known for, with residential housing mainly built up of homes from the Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian eras. Here at Home Tales, we fully appreciate the traditional nature of these houses. As home extension specialists, we feel that any additions to the property should be built with respect for the host property. The new addition should complement the original architecture and enhance the living space within. 

We thought we would run through some of the key characteristics of an Edwardian property. If you want to understand more about the difference between Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian architecture, we have a blog which discusses just that which can be found here.   

What is the different between the Victorian and Edwardian Era?

In its strictest definition, the difference between these eras was determined by who sat on the royal throne. In the Victorian era, Queen Victoria was on the throne (1837 – 1901). During the Edwardian era, Victoria’s son, Edward VII was on the throne (1901 – 1910). 

What defines the Edwardian Era? 

The Edwardian period ran between 1901 and 1910. The style of architecture during this short time was heavily influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement. Unlike Victorian architecture, Edwardian properties were designed and built to have more space and natural light. Edwardian properties were designed to have larger, grander rooms. They also have larger windows to help distribute natural light throughout the property. For this reason, the architects reintroduced multi-paned sash windows, which were popular during the Georgian era. They also used large patio doors and high ceilings, with attractive decorative friezes. Another feature of Edwardian architecture is stained glass front doors, some of them styled as Masonic. The properties were often built with steep pitched roofs, which makes them ideal for turning into a loft conversion. Architects during this time wanted more privacy within the home, so as a result, properties were often built slightly set-back from the road or pavement. This means they frequently have generous front gardens.

Real Homes have a fantastic article on a Edwardian property which was extended here.  

Are there any disadvantages associated with period properties?

Period properties were generally built well, although it’s worth noting that they are old and have been weathered with time. By the time the Edwardian era came along, architects and builders were aware of problems such as damp and structural integrity. One method used to prevent rising damp was to raise the ground on air bricks, which allowed air to flow underneath the floor to keep it well ventilated. Ground movement is another thing to look out for, as many Edwardian properties were built with shallow foundations. This means the property might be subject to ground movement, particularly if the soil has been disrupted by trees, leaking drains, or sometimes the soil density is just more prone to movement. The front door is another item that might need updating, as security has progressed a long way since the early 1900s. Locks might need replacing or stained glass might require strengthening.  

Extending an Edwardian property

When it comes to extending a period property, there are loads of options that are available to you. As mentioned earlier, Edwardian properties were typically built with a steep pitch in the roof. For this reason, the head height if often more generous with that of a Victorian property. Adding a dormer extension can completely transform the properties function, as a simple dormer extension can add a large bedroom and an en-suite. An l-shape dormer extension can add two bedrooms and an en-suite. When it comes to a loft conversion, we generally propose a dormer to the rear of the property, so the front elevation of the property remains largely unchanged. 

Ground floor extensions are another type of extension that we frequently undertake here at Home Tales. If you have an existing outrigger, you can extend into the side return and create one large room to the rear. Homeowners also frequently reconfigure the ground floor as a whole, to ensure the space works in unison. Rear extensions are another popular type of extension. In some cases (subject to local planning policy) you can extend both to the side and the rear or the property, creating a wraparound extension. Read more about how much value an extension can add to a property here.

There are loads of options when it comes to extending, and each design option comes with different pros and cons. Here at Home Tales, you get one dedicated designer to take you through the design process. We offer unlimited amendments and you have as long as you need to consider each option. 

If you would like to discuss your home extension ideas in more detail, get in touch with our team today on 0207 043 2378 or email us at You can also book a consultation directly via our live booking page. We look forward to speaking with you!  

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