Do I Need Air-Con In My Home?

With a recent rise in temperatures and unpredictable heat waves hitting the UK, we’re seeing more and more homeowners debate the need for air conditioning in their properties. Historically, British homes were designed to retain heat, however cooling systems are becoming increasingly popular. Renovating or extending your home is a great time to think about preparing for your comfort and energy costs in both the summer and winter months. But do you need air conditioning in your home? How much does it cost to include aircon in an extension? And what are some effective alternatives to A/C to keep your home cool?

There are several options when it comes to cooling systems, from portable air conditioning units to fully installed systems. Portable units can be purchased for a few hundred pounds and benefit from being more effective than most standard household fans. Easily stored away when temperatures drop, it’s estimated running a portable air con unit can cost between 25p and 35p an hour, with most holding a Class A energy rating. Portable A/C units tend to be roughly the size of a kitchen bin and do require you to place a duct out of a window to expel the warm air created. If this is something you would like to invest in, our team can factor this into your design. We can suggest where it may be the most beneficial in your home and make sure there is appropriate space for you to place a unit with access to ventilation and power.

An alternative is a fully installed air conditioning system. These are usually a two-part modification to your home, with an outdoor fan unit connecting to the indoor refrigerant that will circulate the cool air. Air conditioning systems can be wall mounted or ducted systems, depending on the size of your home and how many rooms you’d like to cool.

For wall mounted systems some homeowners are happy to have the unit displayed on a wall, whilst others prefer a more discreet location such as above cupboards or wardrobes. Whilst the air conditioning system will need to be installed by a registered gas engineer, we can of course help you figure out the best placement for your property and offer suggestions on concealing the units to fit the design of your home and garden. A wall mounted system is a great addition to an extension, they can be particularly useful if you’re converting a loft, as rising heat can impact those rooms the most. Loft spaces are often used as additional bedrooms which can benefit from cooling at night, or as office spaces where long hours spent with computers and other equipment can become uncomfortable in the summer heat.

A wall mounted system in a bedroom is likely to cost around £2000 and you will need to factor in some annual maintenance. It’s important to note that with rising demand the price of air conditioning systems in the UK is seeing a yearly increase. It could be a great investment though, with estate agents noting the popularity of fully installed air conditioning in homes.

Ducted systems are another option if you’re looking for a discreet system in a larger property, they are also the quietest option for A/C units. Not all homes will have the space needed above the ceiling for a ducted system and the work required to install is far more intrusive – it’s a great option to explore when already renovating to avoid having to replaster or refit any carpets afterwards. With a ducted system you can choose a single room or several split into controllable zones. These systems can start from £3000 but increase anywhere up to £10,000 depending on the size of your property and complexity of your chosen unit.

If you are thinking of adding A/C, do you need planning permission for a fully installed system? Most units do not require permission. Although they are externally fitted to the property they often fall under Permitted Development, as most are compact and can meet the necessary specifications. Our design team can talk through the placement of your unit and our planning experts can offer advice and keep you informed of any potential issues – this could include conservations areas with stricter requirements.

If you aren’t sure about installing air conditioning in your home, there are lots of ways to consider cooling your home. From open plan design to exploring indoor/outdoor living (find out more here). It’s useful to consider the types of doors and windows in your home, with these bifold doors a perfect way to maximise airflow in your home. If you’d like some quick tips and design ideas on cooling your home this summer, head to our blog for more advice.

When speaking with our team about extending or renovating your home we’re always happy to discuss lifestyle requirements including heating, cooling, and energy efficiency. You can call us on 02070432378 or email us at Alternatively, you can book a free telephone consultation with our design and planning experts to talk through options for your home and receive a free, no obligation quote. Click here to book!

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