Can My Neighbour Stop Me Building An Extension?

Just look at any property forum and you’ll see reoccurring questions, ‘’can my neighbour stop my extension’’, ‘’ how do I object to my neighbour’s extension?’’, ‘’how to complain about a neighbour’s extension’’’ and so on. So how do you create harmony between homeowners and their neighbours when planning an extension, loft conversion or renovation?  Let’s discuss!

There are processes in place to protect the best interest of all parties involved in homeownership and the choice to undertake renovation work. These are there for not only you and your neighbour, but the community in which you live. Home extension companies should always make you aware of any conservation areas your home may fall in and any restrictions they believe could limit your designs. Councils may refuse planning permission if it is likely your proposed extension will overshadow or overlook a neighbour’s home, causing them loss of light or privacy. 

When an application is made for planning, your neighbours are notified and are offered the opportunity to comment. They can object to your plans based on how they feel it will impact their own property, however it is ultimately the decision of the council appointed case officer to decide. Though they will take a neighbour’s comments into consideration, the decision is that of the officer and primarily based on your designs meeting regulations and policy. At Home Tales our planning applications have a 99% success rate, with a knowledgeable team on hand to take you through the process and ensure we meet all necessary requirements.

Independent to the planning process you will be advised that in most cases you need to notify your neighbours of any works before they start. This is required under the Party Wall Act (which you can read more about here) and we would suggest undertaking the process alongside your application for planning permission – as any issues could be time consuming. This is usually only required of adjoining properties who may be directly affected by the building, for example those in terrace properties need to notify neighbours on both sides.

But what if my neighbour’s dispute the party wall notice? When you notify your neighbours, they can put in a request for additional details. This can be annoying in both a financial sense and it can take time, they cannot however stop you from building. Your third-party surveyor for this process will assess any disputes and aim to come to an amicable decision on any adjustments that need to be made. This can be a time-consuming process, but Home Tales are always on hand to offer guidance. We do suggest that although a friendly chat over the garden fence can be beneficial, taking the documented legal steps should not be missed in case of future issues!

It is important to note that when building, it is your responsibility to avoid unnecessary inconvenience and to protect your neighbour’s property from damage. It is unfortunate that neighbourly disputes are so common when renovating – we would always suggest clear, documented communication as well as following the processes that protect you from a legal standpoint. Home Tales will always offer our best guidance, as well as building recommendations that are tried and tested.

Are you planning a renovation or extension and getting perplexed by Party Wall? We can help! You can contact us on 02070432378 or email us at Alternatively, book a free telephone consultation with us via our live diary to get a free quote and advice on the best way to proceed on your home renovation journey.

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